There are no moments more painful for a parent than those in which you contemplate your child's perfect innocence of some imminent pain, misfortune, or sorrow. That innocence (like every kind of innocence children have) is rooted in their trust of you, one that you will shortly be obliged to betray; whether it is fair or not, whether you can help it or not, you are always the ultimate guarantor or destroyer of that innocence. Michael Chabon
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. - Benjamin Spock

  2. Parenting requires a delicate balance of letting your child be your spiritual teacher while you maintain the clarity and boundaries to be her Earthly teacher. - Jennifer Griffin

  3. Remember, nothing is ever created or destroyed. Therefore, unresolved emotional pain from childhood does not dissolve by itself. It sits waiting to be declared, and a child is the ultimate vehicle of expression. In order to transform the energy into something positive, the pain must... - Anonymous

  4. A hallmark of virtuous adulthood is learning to find freedom in your work rather than freedom from your work, even when work might hurt. - Ben Sasse

  5. If you want to know about sex don't ask your parents. They don't have any and know nothing about it. Find out yourself - Bangambiki Habyarimana

More Quotes By Michael Chabon
  1. There's nothing more embarrassing than to have earned the disfavor of a perceptive animal.

  2. The whole house seemed to exhale a melancholy breath of emptiness

  3. Mendel had a remarkable nature as a boy. I’m not talking about miracles. Miracles are a burden for a tzaddik, not the proof of one. Miracles prove nothing except to those whose faith is bought very cheap, sir. There was something in Mendele. There was...

  4. Literature, like magic, has always been about the handling of secrets, about the pain, the destruction, and the marvelous liberation that can result when they are revealed. Telling the truth when the truth matters most is almost always a frightening prospect. If a writer doesn't...

  5. I have come to see this fear, this sense of my own imperilment by my creations, as not only an inevitable, necessary part of writing fiction but as virtual guarantor, insofar as such a thing is possible, of the power of my work: as a...

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